Thursday, April 17, 2008

Trauma on Campus Consultation

Trauma on Campus Consultation


A planning session for United Methodist campus ministers to identify strategies and resources that are needed in anticipation of tragedies or trauma on campus. The meeting will include sharing experiences, identifying what has been learned from these experiences, brainstorming best practices, and identifying strategies for resourcing campus ministers to help them deal with future tragedies.

This consultation is limited to preparation for responding to a traumatic event after the fact. It is not designed to address issues of preventing tragedies or examining root causes of tragedies.

When and where?

We will begin at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, May 27, 2008, and adjourn at noon on Thursday, May 29, 2008. Meetings will be held on the campus of Northern Illinois University and the DeKalb United Methodist Church.

Who should attend?

This gathering is designed for United Methodist campus ministers who have experienced tragedies on campus or have training that can assist those dealing with trauma. Those who have conducted research or have practical training or experience in specific traumas are encouraged to attend.

What is a trauma?

For the purposes of this consultation, trauma is defined extremely broadly. It includes acts of violence from shootings to rape to domestic violence; natural disasters from hurricanes to floods to fires; unexpected deaths; and any event that traumatizes the community. This consultation will focus on response to tragedies that impact the entire campus community or a number of people.

Expected outcome?

The consultation will produce a report that can be used by GBHEM, UMCMA and other United Methodist organizations to help develop resources and strategies that will support the training of United Methodist campus ministers in preparing a response to tragedies.

How much will it cost?

The registration fee is $10 to be paid upon arrival. All of this fee will go to the Wesley Foundation at Northern Illinois University to cover any expenses they may have and to support their ministry. GBHEM will host a dinner for everyone who registers before May 9.

All other meals, transportation and lodging are the responsibility of the participant.

Can you participate without attending?

There are two ways that you can participate without attending. First, you can go to and provide information about your experience, your questions, and your suggestions. In this way your experience and suggestions will be part of the consultation.

Second, you can review the report that is produced from the consultation and make comments or suggestions. Your suggestions will then become part of the record that us used by GBHEM, UMCMA, and others to plan resource or program development.

Consultation Leadership

Efrain Avila, Jr., Campus Minister, Northern Illinois University

Ken Bedell, Associate General Secretary, Division of Higher Education, GBHEM

Gail Bowman, Chaplain, Dillard University

Beth Cooper, Campus Minister, San Diego State University

Lynn Jenkins Feinberg, Counselor, San Diego State University

Luther Felder, Assistant General Secretary, Campus Ministry, GBHEM

Tyson Ferguson, Campus Minister, Pennsylvania State University

Malcolm Frazier, Campus Minister, Howard University

Lynn Jenkins Feinberg, Counselor, San Diego State University

Lynn Pries, Chaplain, North Central College

Glen Tyndall, Campus Minister, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Susan Vuyovich, Campus Minister, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College

Other Information

Hotel suggestions will be listed on the UMCMA website soon.

For additional information, contact Michelle Conti at (615.340.7420).

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"He dressed me. My Lord, he put new rags on me, and I am a wonder beside him." - Ragman by Walter Wangerin, Jr.