Monday, April 28, 2008

Note to bloggers:

A note from Gavin:

The MethoBlog was developed about one and a half years ago to be a portal for the methoblogosphere community (the methodists that blog regularly made up that name). as a blog there is some commentary, but mostly a collection of all the methodist voices out there. there isn't a distinction between categories of clergy or laity, youth minister or senior pastor, reconciling or confessing, news or promotions, etc. if you are a methodist, have a blog that you post even remotely regularly this is a community to plug into.

for general conference we set up some specific feeds for bloggers that are at general conference. some are delegates, some are reserves, employees, observers, new agency, and i think even a translator. this gives a broad, unfiltered, and unique experience into all the things happening at general conference. with more of a crowd more of a picture can be drawn.

so please visit and submit your blog to us via the contact form and let us know you are at general conference and we'd be honored to plug you in.

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"He dressed me. My Lord, he put new rags on me, and I am a wonder beside him." - Ragman by Walter Wangerin, Jr.