Thursday, March 12, 2009

2008 Book of Discipline Changes related to Campus Ministry

2008 Book of Discipline
Changes related to Campus Ministry
from United Methodist Campus Ministers Association (UMCMA) Legislation

Social Principles

¶ 164 V. (Page 125) The Political Community E) Education:
We believe that colleges and universities are to ensure that academic freedom is protected for all members of the academic community and a learning environment is fostered that allows for a free exchange of ideas. We affirm the joining of reason and faith; therefore, we urge colleges and universities to guard the expression of religious life on campus.

Local Church
Youth Council
¶ 256 3. j) (Page 174) To promote, introduce and encourage youth and young adults to become active in United Methodist campus ministry when they attend a college or university.

Coordinator of Young Adult ministries and the young adult council
¶ 256 3. d) (Page 175) gather the names and addresses of all college students to send to the campus minister or chaplain of the college or university the students are attending, encourage college students to participated in United Methodist campus ministry, and recommend opportunities for the congregation to support and participate with the annual conference campus ministries and annual conference related colleges and universities.

Ministry of the Ordained

¶ 311 1. a) (Page 210) shall be a professing member in good standing of the United Methodist Church or a baptized participant of a recognized United Methodist campus ministry or other United Methodist ministry setting for a minimum of one (1) year.

¶ 311 1. d) (Page 210) shall write their statement of call and responses to Wesley’s historic questions in ¶310. The candidate will consult with the pastor or equivalent in ministry setting specified by the district committee on ordained ministry to request a meeting of the pastor parish relations committee or equivalent body specified by the district committee on ordained ministry to consider the statement of call and responses to Wesley’s historic questions;

¶ 335 (Page 243) Requirements for Admission to Full Connection and Ordination as Elder--Probationary members who are candidates for full connection and ordination as elders and have been probationary members for at least three years may be admitted into membership in full connection in an annual conference and approved for elder’s ordination by two-thirds vote of the clergy members in full connection of the annual conference, upon recommendation by two-thirds vote of the board of ordained ministry, after they have qualified as follows. They shall have: (1) served full-time under episcopal appointment for at least three full annual conference years following the completion of the educational requirements specified in 3(b) below. Years of service in any ministry setting requiring the regular proclamation of the word, the administration of the sacraments, and the short or long-term ordering of the life of the community of faith may count toward the fulfillment of this requirement. Such ministry settings may include campus ministry, college and university chaplaincy, hospital and prison chaplaincy, military chaplaincy, and other ministries so recognized by Conference Boards of Ordained Ministry. Upon recommendation of the board of ordained ministry, an annual conference may equate less than full-time to the requirement of full-time service.

Unauthorized Conduct
¶ 341.4 (Page 253) No pastor shall hold a religious service within the bounds of a pastoral charge other than the one to which appointed without the consent of the pastor of the charge, or the district superintendent. No pastor shall hold a religious service within the bounds of a pastoral charge, or establish a ministry to a college or university campus served by the United Methodist Church without the consent of the pastor of the charge, or campus minister or chaplain serving the charge, or the district superintendent. If that pastor does not refrain from such conduct, he or she shall then be liable to the provisions of ¶ 362.1 and ¶ 2702.

Annual Conference Board of Higher Education & Campus Ministry

Local Campus Ministry Board of Directors
¶634,4 d) (Pages 423-426, was ¶633 in 2004 BOD)
(2) To ensure that each Wesley Foundation or campus ministry shall have a Board of Directors or local church committee which provides for planning and implementing a program of mission and ministry to the campus. It will also be the responsibility of the Board of Directors or local church committee:
a) establish a budget to present to the board of higher education and campus ministry, and be responsible for the fund raising needs of the Wesley Foundation or campus ministry;
b) to have a personnel committee to confer with and counsel the campus minister and staff , to evaluate for effective ministry; to develop and approve written job descriptions for all staff; to interview campus minister candidates and recommend candidates for appointment, or hiring, to the board of higher education and campus ministry, district superintendent and bishop; to establish all personnel policies; to examine and recommend candidate for ordained or licensed ministry to the district committee on ordained ministry, faithfully adhering to the provisions of ¶ 311.2b);
c) when determined that a Wesley Foundation board may hold property, to review the adequacy of the property, liability, and crime insurance coverage; establish polices on the use of property by outside organizations; to receive and administer all bequests made to the Wesley Foundation or campus ministry according to standards established by the board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure and the annual conference, and the relevant civil governmental authorities and to provide for the upkeep of all properties;
d) to be encouraged to establish a Wesley Foundation, or campus ministry, permanent endowment fund in accord with the polices established by the board of higher education and campus ministry and the annual conference;
e) to have fiscal oversight of all income and expenditures of the campus ministry; to develop sound accounting practices, and ensure proper record keeping and reporting according to the polices set by the board of higher education and campus ministry;
f) to review and recommend covenants and agreements with ecumenical campus ministries and university organizational policies.

Annual Conference Board of Higher Education & Campus Ministry

(10) To determine, in consultation with local boards, the personnel needs of Wesley Foundations; the personnel needs of Wesley Foundations; to institute standards for professional staff in accordance with the policies, standards and goals of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
(11) To encourage the development of a permanent endowment fund for Wesley
Foundations and campus ministries; and to set polices and investment standards, in consultation with the conference foundation, for permanent endowment funds for Wesley Foundations and campus ministries.
(12) To establish procedures for selection and termination of professional staff; to determine a procedure for a national search, and to consult with the bishop and cabinet when securing the appointment of ministerial staff members.
(14) To develop a policy and procedure for the planning, financing and construction of any Wesley Foundation or campus ministry building, consulting with the appropriate boards and agencies of the annual conference and in accordance with the policies, and standards of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
(15) To oversee the management and financial support of the annual conference program of campus ministry in Wesley Foundations; local churches, and ecumenical campus ministries, in accordance with the policies, standards and goals of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
(16) To determine where new campus ministries are needed after the completion of extensive study by an appointed task force to assess the potential of campus ministry on a university or college campus in accordance with the policies, standards and goals of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, to assess the potential of campus ministry on a university or college campus. Such study shall include, but not be limited to: the unique missional opportunities and needs of the campus; student demographics of the university or college; number and size of other denominational campus ministries; student life plan of the university or college; long range development plan of the campus; fiscal and facilities needs; support and cooperation of nearby United Methodist churches and district; and other items that may impact the campus ministries ability to fulfill the mission of the church on campus.
(17) Prior to the discontinuation of a Wesley Foundation or campus ministry the board of higher education and campus ministry shall conduct an assessment of its potential as outlined in ¶¶ 634.4d) and 1413.3c) a recommendation to the annual conference for discontinuation shall include proposals for the future use of any property of the Wesley Foundation or campus ministry, and disposition of the real and personal, tangible and intangible property. Any proceeds from the sale any property shall be reserved for other campus ministries needs in the annual conference.

Conference Council on Youth Ministry

¶ 649 3. (Page 453, was ¶648 in 2004 BOD)
g) To promote, introduce and encourage youth in the annual conference to become active in Wesley Foundations, United Methodist campus ministry when they attend a college or university, and become aware of opportunities to attend United Methodist related colleges and universities.
h) To cooperate with Wesley Foundations, United Methodist campus ministries and United Methodist related colleges and universities to assist annual conference youth in the transition to college life.

Conference Council on Young-Adult Ministry

¶ 650 3. (Page 454, was ¶649 in 2004BOD) d) To cooperate with the boards and agencies of the annual conference, including Wesley Foundations, United Methodist related campus ministries and chaplaincies to assist graduating college students in the transition to congregational life, and receiving recommendations from and making recommendations to the same to provide for the needs of young adults in the United Methodist Church.

District Council on Youth Ministry

¶ 671 3. (Page 472, was ¶669 in 2004 BOD) h) To promote, introduce and encourage youth in the district to become active in Wesley Foundations or United Methodist campus ministries when they attend a college or university and to become aware of opportunities to attend United Methodist related colleges and universities.
i) To cooperated with Wesley Foundations, United Methodist campus ministries and United Methodist related colleges and universities to assist district youth in the transition of college life.

General Board of Higher Education and Ministry

¶ 1412 2. (Pages 609-610) 2. The division shall, in regard to campus ministry, Wesley
Foundations, and ecumenical campus ministry groups, provide a structure within the division in
order to:
(a) Assist in the development of plans for the systematic evaluation of these units in cooperation with their regularly constituted boards of directors or trustees and with conference boards of higher education and campus ministry, area, or regional committees or commissions on Christian higher education and campus ministry or appropriate ecumenical agencies.
(b) Study the trends in programming and funding in campus ministry, review reports from the United Methodist Campus Ministers Association (UMCMA), conference agencies and local units, and to interpret these findings to the constituency as appropriate and to The United Methodist Church.
(c) Affirm its commitment to an ecumenical approach to campus ministry; encourage local, campus, state, regional, and global units of that ministry to work toward ecumenical programming and structures where appropriate to provide counsel and support to conference boards and agencies in reviewing, evaluating, and strengthening existing and proposed local and regional ecumenical covenants and procedures for these units are on file with annual conference boards of higher education and campus ministry.
(d) Develop standards and policies for the profressional staff of Wesley Foundations, campus ministries and chaplaincies and provide educational and training opportunities for campus ministers and chaplains.
(e) Establish policies and guidelines for the work and responsibilities of oversight of the annual conference board of higher education and campus ministry programs of campus ministry in Wesley Foundations, local churches, and ecumenical campus ministries, and the work and responsibilities of local Wesley Foundations and campus ministry boards of directors.
(f) Establish procedures and guidelines for the establishment of a new Wesley Foundation or campus ministry unit and the planning and construction of Wesley Foundation or campus ministry unit buildings.
(g) Recognize and cooperate with agencies with whom relationship may serve to further the objectives of the division.
(h) Provide for representation and participation, as deemed necessary, with other national and international ecumenical campus ministry agencies and associations.
(i) Provide services to meet specific denominational needs.
(j) Relate college and university students of The United Methodist Church to the United Methodist Student Movement and such Methodist and ecumenical student organizations around the world as may be appropriate.

Sale, Transfer, Lease, Mortgage, or Purchase of Annual Conference Property

¶ 2515 (Page 713)
Sale, Transfer, Lease, Mortgage, or Purchase of Annual Conference Property – No annual conference property shall be sold, transferred, or leased for a term that exceeds twenty years, or mortgaged or purchased without the consent of the annual conference or, ad interim, (a) the consent of the presiding bishop and of a majority of the district superintendents, and, in case of discontinued or abandoned local church property or property to be purchased, the consent of a majority of the district board of church location and building (see ¶ 2548), and, in case of a discontinued Wesley Foundation or campus ministry property, the consent of the majority of the conference board of higher education and campus ministry, and the consent of the annual conference (see ¶ 634.4 d); and (b) the bishop’s determination that such transfer or encumbrance conforms to the Discipline. The bishop’s written statement evidencing the satisfaction of this condition shall be affixed to or included in any instrument of transfer or encumbrance. Any required written instrument necessary to carry out the action so authorized shall be executed in the name of the conference corporation by any two of its officers of its board of trustees, and any written instrument so executed shall be binding and effective as the action of the conference.

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"He dressed me. My Lord, he put new rags on me, and I am a wonder beside him." - Ragman by Walter Wangerin, Jr.