Tuesday, January 1, 2008

General Conference Resolutions from UMCMA

This is an UNOFFICIAL listing of resolutions submitted by the UMCMA to Genreal Conference.

Petitions Submitted by UMCMA

to the 2008 United Methodist General Conference

Protection of Academic Freedoms

Discipline Paragraph No. 164.E)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶164.E) by addition

Education – We believe that every person has the right to education. We also believe that the responsibility for education of the young rests with the family, faith communities, and the government. In society, this function can best be fulfilled through public policies that ensure access for all persons to free public elementary and secondary schools and to post-secondary schools of their choice. Persons should not be precluded by financial barriers from access to church-related and other independent institutions of higher education. We affirm the right of public and independent colleges and universities to exist, and we endorse public policies that ensure access and choice and that do not create unconstitutional entanglements between church and state. We believe that colleges and universities are to ensure that academic freedom is protected for all members of the academic community, and a learning environment is fostered which allows for a free exchange of ideas. We affirm the joining of reason and faith, therefore, we urge colleges and universities to guard the expression of religious life on campus.

Rationale: This addition to the Social Principles provides for dialogue about the purpose of the church’s educational mission on college and university campuses. By focusing both on academic freedom and on the right to religious expression it gives voice to the long-standing Methodist belief that knowledge and vital piety belong together.

Submitted: October 22, 2007

Charge Conference Report on College Students

Discipline Paragraph No. 247

Financial Implications: None

Add new sub-paragraph after ¶247.15.

16. The charge conference shall receive a report on the names and addresses of college students and the schools which they are attending (or will attend) to send to the appropriate United Methodist campus ministers and chaplains.

Rationale: This proposal strengthens the United Methodist Church’s connection to young people by reinforcing the ongoing relationships between local congregations and young people who matriculate out of area. It provides an effective tool for campus ministry units to identify and make contact with United Methodist students attending the institutions they serve.

Submitted: October 22, 2007

Youth Council Promotion of Campus Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 256.3.c) (3)

Financial Implications: None

Add new sub-paragraph after ¶256.3.c) (3) (i)

(j) To promote, introduce and encourage youth to become active in United Methodist campus ministry when they attend a college or university.

Rationale: This proposal addresses the reality that the transition from high school to college is when many young people leave the church. It seeks to narrow the gap that currently exists between youth and campus ministries and to provide for a smoother transition for young people who are entering college.

Submitted: October 22, 2007

Young Adult Council and Coordinator on Young Adult Ministries Report on College Students

Discipline Paragraph No. 256.3.d)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶256.3.d) by addition

d) The coordinator of young adult ministries and the young-adult council, when organized, shall be responsible for recommending to the church council the activities, program emphases, and settings for young adults, gather the names and addresses of all college students to send to the campus minister or chaplain of the college or university the students are attending, provide a report of this list of college students to the charge conference for collection by the district superintendent, encourage college students to participate in United Methodist campus ministry, and recommend opportunities for the congregation to support and participate with annual conference campus ministries and annual conference related colleges and universities.

Rationale: This proposal strengthens the United Methodist Church’s connection to young people by reinforcing the ongoing relationships between local congregations and young people who matriculate out of area. It provides an effective tool for campus ministry units to identify and make contact with United Methodist students attending the institutions they serve.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Lay Leadership Requirements for Candidacy for Licensed and Ordained Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 311.1.a)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶311.1.a)

a) shall have been a professing member in good standing of The United Methodist Church for at least two years immediately preceding the application for candidacy; including a year of service in some form of congregational lay leadership, either in that local church, or one in a campus ministry agreed to by the district committee on ordained ministry, provided that in the case of an affiliate member, there has been a consultation with and approval by the charge conference of the home church;

Rationale: This change to ¶311.1.a) clarifies that leadership in a campus ministry unit qualifies as an appropriate form of service for those seeking candidacy for ordained and licensed ministry. This is a crucial clarification for those who respond to their call in the context of participation in a campus ministry.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Campus Ministry Consultation Process for Candidacy to Ordained or Licensed Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 311.2.a)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶311.2.a)

a) consult with their pastor and committee on pastor or staff relations, or with their campus minister or chaplain and the committee on staff relations of the Board of Directors of the campus ministry unit, after formulating a written statement reflecting their call to ministry and requesting recommendation for certification. The candidate shall be interviewed by the committee on his or her statement of call and Wesley’s historic questions in ¶305;

Rationale: While some students experience a call to ministry in the context of local congregations, others experience it through campus ministries. This proposal builds on provisions in The Discipline that allow students to become at-large members through campus ministry, by making provision for them to enter ordained ministry through campus ministry.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Responsibility of Campus Ministry Boards in Recommending Candidates for Ordained or Licensed Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 311.2.b)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶311.2.b)

b) be recommended by the charge conference, or be recommended by the Board of Directors of a campus ministry unit. To be valid, such a recommendation shall be: i) approved by written ballot by two-thirds of the charge conference, or the Board of Directors of a campus ministry unit, present at this meeting, provided that in the case of an affiliate member there has been consultation with the pastor of the home church, and ii) the candidate shall have been graduated from an accredited high school or received a certificate of equivalency;

Rationale: While some students experience a call to ministry in the context of local congregations, others experience it through campus ministries. This proposal builds on provisions in The Discipline that allow students to become at-large members through campus ministry, by making provision for them to enter ordained ministry through campus ministry.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Ministry Settings Fulfilling Service Requirements for Full Connection as Elder

Discipline Paragraph No. 335

Financial Implications: None

Amend First Paragraph of ¶335

¶ 335. Requirements for Admission to Full Connection and Ordination as Elder--Probationary members who are candidates for full connection and ordination as elders and have been probationary members for at least three years may be admitted into membership in full connection in an annual conference and approved for elder’s ordination by two-thirds vote of the clergy members in full connection of the annual conference, upon recommendation by two-thirds vote of the board of ordained ministry, after they have qualified as follows. They shall have: (1) served full-time under episcopal appointment for at least three full annual conference years following the completion of the educational requirements specified in 3(b) below. Years of service in any ministry setting requiring the regular proclamation of the word, the administration of the sacraments, and the short or long-term ordering of the life of the community of faith shall count toward the fulfillment of this requirement. Such ministry settings shall include campus ministry, college and university chaplaincy, hospital and prison chaplaincy, military chaplaincy, overseas/mission work and other ministries so recognized by Ordained Ministry Section of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Upon recommendation of the board of ordained ministry, an annual conference may equate less than full-time to the requirement of full-time service. Such equivalence is to be determined in light of the years of service involved, the quality of that service, the maturity of the applicant, and other relevant factors. Supervision is to be (a) personally assumed or delegated by the district superintendent, and (b) assumed by a mentor assigned by the board of ordained ministry. Their service shall be evaluated by the board of ordained ministry as effective according to written guidelines developed by the board and adopted by the clergy members in full connection.8 16 In rare cases, the board of ordained ministry may, by a two thirds vote, approve years of service in an autonomous Methodist church as meeting this requirement if adequate supervision has been provided; (2) been previously elected as probationary members; (3) met the following educational requirements: (a) graduation with a Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree from a college or university listed by the University Senate, or demonstrated competency equivalence through a process designed in consultation with the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; (b) graduation with a Master of Divinity degree from a school of theology listed by the University Senate, or its equivalent as determined by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry; or (c) met the education requirements of ¶ 324.6 for local pastors; (d) educational requirements in every case shall include a minimum of two semester or three quarter hours in each of the fields of United Methodist history, doctrine, and polity; provided that a candidate may meet the requirements by undertaking an independent study program provided and administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (see ¶1421.3.d); (4) satisfied the board regarding physical, mental, and emotional health; (5) prepared and preached at least one written sermon on a biblical passage specified by the board of ordained ministry; (6) presented a plan and outline for teaching a book or books of the Bible; (7) responded to a written or oral doctrinal examination administered by the board of ordained ministry. The candidate should demonstrate the ability to communicate clearly in both oral and written form. The candidate’s reflections and the board’s response should be informed by the insights and guidelines of Part II of the Discipline.

Rationale: Boards of Ordained Ministry have struggled over what constitutes appropriate full-time service for Probationary Elders seeking Ordination and Full Connection. This proposal clarifies that years of service in positions requiring the proclamation of the word, the administration of the sacraments, and the ordering of church life qualifies toward this requirement.

Submitted: October 26, 2007

Clarifying Language about the Unauthorized Conduct of Religious Services on Campus

Discipline Paragraph No. 341.4

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶341.4)

4) No pastor shall hold a religious service within the bounds of a pastoral charge other than the one to which appointed without the consent of the pastor in charge of the charge, or the district superintendent. No pastor shall hold a religious service within the bounds of a pastoral charge, or establish a ministry to a college or university campus served by the United Methodist Church without the consent of the pastor of the charge, or campus minister or chaplain serving the campus, or the district superintendent. If that pastor does not refrain from such conduct, he or she shall then be liable to the provisions of ¶ 362.1 and ¶ 2702.

Rationale: Some superintendents and pastors interpret ¶341.4 to mean that the pastor in charge of a congregation may grant that congregation permission to establish a ministry on campus without consulting the appointed campus minister or chaplain. This proposal clarifies the paragraph’s intent and makes its language consistent with language used elsewhere.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

District Superintendent Responsibility to Collect and Share Information about College Students

Discipline Paragraph No. 423

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶423.10

11. To collect the names and addresses of college students in the district to send to campus ministers of Wesley Foundations, United Methodist campus ministries and United Methodist chaplains of the schools where the students are attending.

Rationale: This proposal charges the District Superintendent with collecting information about college students from charge conference reports and ensuring that this information is supplied to appropriate campus ministers or chaplains. Per ¶232, the Superintendent may fulfill this responsibility in cooperation with the Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Annual Conferences Shall Have Conference Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.1

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.1

1. There shall be in each annual conference a board of higher education and campus ministry or other structure to provide for these functions and maintain the connectional relationships. The number of members shall be determined by the annual conference, including representation from appropriate constituencies.

Rationale: This proposal eliminates the option to replace Conference Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry with alternate structures. Experience has shown that alternate structures have not successfully fulfilled required board responsibilities over personnel, budget and policy matters. Furthermore, Conference Boards can relate directly to CCF&A and the annual conference.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Eliminating Option for Equivalent Structure to Conference Board of Higher Education and Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.2

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.2

2. The annual conference board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure shall provide for the connectional relationship between the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the conference, district, and local church and shall provide for a ministry in higher education related to the objectives and scope of work of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the Division of Higher Education. A person serving as a member of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry from that annual conference shall, by virtue of his or her office, be a member of the conference board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure (see ¶¶ 609.6 and 710.5).

Rationale: This proposal eliminates the option to replace Conference Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry with alternate structures. Experience has shown that alternate structures have not successfully fulfilled required board responsibilities over personnel, budget and policy matters. Furthermore, Conference Boards can relate directly to CCF&A and the annual conference.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Eliminating Option for Equivalent Structure to Conference Board of Higher Education and Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.3

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.3

3. The annual conference chairperson of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure shall be a member of the annual conference council on ministries.

Rationale: This proposal eliminates the option to replace Conference Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry with alternate structures. Experience has shown that alternate structures have not successfully fulfilled

required board responsibilities over personnel, budget and policy matters. Furthermore, Conference Boards can relate directly to CCF&A and the annual conference.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Eliminating Option for Equivalent Structure to Conference Board of Higher Education and Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.4

4. The responsibilities of an annual conference board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure include:

Rationale: This proposal eliminates the option to replace Conference Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry with alternate structures. Experience has shown that alternate structures have not successfully fulfilled required board responsibilities over personnel, budget and policy matters. Furthermore, Conference Boards can relate directly to CCF&A and the annual conference.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Eliminating Option for Equivalent Structure to Conference Board of Higher Education and Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.a) (10)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.4.a) (10)

(10) To provide that two or more annual conferences may, on recommendation of their boards of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structures, join in constituting an area or regional committee or commission on higher education and campus ministry, the membership, scope, and functions of which shall be determined by the cooperating conferences in consultation with their bishop or bishops. The area committee or commission shall include a majority of its members from the participating annual conference boards of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure with appropriate representation of college presidents, campus ministers, students and ethnic persons.

Rationale: This proposal eliminates the option to replace Conference Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry with alternate structures. Experience has shown that alternate structures have not successfully fulfilled required board responsibilities over personnel, budget and policy matters. Furthermore, Conference Boards can relate directly to CCF&A and the annual conference.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Eliminating Option for Equivalent Structure to Conference Board of Higher Education and Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.c)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.4.c)

c) Responsibilities with Schools, Colleges, and Universities – In addition to its general responsibilities, the annual conference board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure shall carry out the following duties with regard to United Methodist schools, colleges, and universities:

Rationale: This proposal eliminates the option to replace Conference Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry with alternate structures. Experience has shown that alternate structures have not successfully fulfilled

required board responsibilities over personnel, budget and policy matters. Furthermore, Conference Boards can relate directly to CCF&A and the annual conference.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Eliminating Option for Equivalent Structure to Conference Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.4.d)

d) Responsibilities with Campus Ministries – In addition to the general responsibilities listed above, the annual conference board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure shall have the following responsibilities with regard to campus ministry:

(1) To have available the names and addresses of all campus ministries supported by The United Methodist Church and to supply the names and addresses of campus ministries supported by the annual conference to all districts and churches.

(2) To ensure representation of the annual conference board or equivalent structure on the boards of directors of all campus ministries supported by the annual conference.

(3) To interpret systematically to the districts, subdistricts, and local churches the conference program of campus ministry as a ministry to the whole campus (students, faculty, staff, and administration), encouraging their support and urging United Methodist students of all ages to participate.

(4) To support the development of the United Methodist Student Movement (UMSM) within the annual conference, including the organization of a UMSM student council and the appointment of a UMSM adviser, and to encourage student participation in the UMSM and other related student Christian organizations, both nationally and globally.

(5) To hold the Wesley Foundation board of directors responsible for the direction and administration of the foundation in accordance with the policies and objectives of the annual conference board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure and the standards of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

(6) To ensure that the Wesley Foundation board of directors is related functionally and cooperatively to the United Methodist local church or churches in the immediate vicinity of the college or university and to the council on ministries or other organization of the district in which it is located.

(7) To determine whether or not Wesley Foundation boards of directors, when incorporated, may hold property and to ensure such property is held and administered according to the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church and the laws of the state in which the foundation is located.

(8) To determine the policies for nomination and election by the annual conference of Wesley Foundation boards of directors.

(9) To determine, in consultation with local boards of directors, the personnel needs of Wesley Foundations: to establish procedures for selection and termination of professional staff; and to consult with the bishop and cabinet when securing the appointment of ministerial staff members.

(10) To establish and review covenants and agreements for ecumenical campus ministry and to ensure that they are in harmony with the policies, standards, and goals of the Division of Higher Education and the annual conference board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure.

(11) To oversee the management of the annual conference program of campus ministry in Wesley Foundations, local churches, and ecumenical campus ministries; to determine where new campus ministries are needed, and to plan for their establishment and financial support.

(12) To provide resources for local churches and districts with programs of ministry or to campuses and, where these programs receive financial support from or are designated as ministries on behalf of the annual conference, to ensure that the policies, standards, and goals of the conference board of higher education and campus ministry or equivalent structure are observed.

(13) To establish the procedures for the nomination and election of United Methodist college students as lay members to annual conference.

Rationale: This proposal eliminates the option to replace Conference Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry with alternate structures. Experience has shown that alternate structures have not successfully fulfilled required board responsibilities over personnel, budget and policy matters. Furthermore, Conference Boards can relate directly to CCF&A and the annual conference.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

Personnel Needs of Wesley Foundations

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d) (9)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.4.d) (9) by addition and by division into two subparagraphs

(9) To determine, in consultation with local boards, the personnel needs of Wesley Foundations; to institute standards for professional staff in accordance with the policies, standards and goals of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

(10) To to establish procedures for selection and termination of professional staff in Wesley Foundations; to determine a procedure for a national search; and to consult with the bishop and cabinet when securing the appointment of ministerial staff members.

Rationale: GBHEM has been working on establishing standards for professional campus ministry personnel. This proposal places the responsibility for implementing these standards with Conference BHECMs. It charges BHECMs to engage in national searches for campus ministry professional staff to ensure that those placed in these positions are truly qualified.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Encourage Election of College Students to General and Jurisdictional Conference

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d) (13)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶633.4.d) (13)

(13) To establish the procedures for the nomination and election of United Methodist college students as lay members to annual conference, and to encourage the election of United Methodist college students as lay delegates to the general and jurisdictional conferences.

Rationale: While there is concern about young adults being present at all levels of the church’s life, few systemic ways exist to identify and encourage college students to move into larger leadership roles. This proposal encourages BHECMs to be proactive in helping college students assume leadership at a denominational level.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Board of Higher Education and Campus Ministry Responsibilities with Campus Ministry Boards

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d)

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶633.4.d) (1)

(2) To ensure that each Wesley Foundation or campus ministry shall have a Board of Directors or a local church committee which provides for planning and implementing a program of mission and ministry to the campus. It will also be the responsibility of the Board of Directors or local church committee:

(a) to establish a budget to present to the board of higher education and campus ministry, and to be responsible for the fund raising needs of the Wesley Foundation or campus ministry;

(b) to have a personnel committee to confer with and counsel the campus minister and staff, to evaluate for effective ministry, to develop and approve written job descriptions for all staff, to interview campus minister candidates and to recommend candidates for appointment or hiring to the board of higher education and campus ministry, the district superintendent and the bishop, to establish all personnel policies, to examine and recommend candidates for ordained or licensed ministry to the district committee on ordained ministry, faithfully adhering to the provisions of ¶ 311.2.b);

(c) when determined that a Wesley Foundation board may hold property, to review the adequacy of the property, liability, and crime insurance coverage, to establish policies on the use of property by outside organizations, to receive and administer all bequests made to the Wesley Foundation or campus ministry according to standards established by the board of higher education and campus ministry and the annual conference, and to provide for the upkeep of all properties;

(d) to be encouraged to establish a Wesley Foundation, or campus ministry, permanent endowment fund in accord with the policies established by the board of higher education and campus ministry and the annual conference;

(e) to have fiscal oversight of all income and expenditures of the campus ministry, to develop sound accounting practices, and to ensure proper record keeping and reporting according to the policies set by the board of higher education and campus ministry;

(f) to review and recommend covenants and agreements with ecumenical campus ministries and university organizational policies;

Rationale: The Discipline does not outline policies for Campus Ministry Boards of Directors. Few conference boards have developed policies. Local Boards are, therefore, vulnerable to problems of financial malfeasance, legal liabilities, and the authority to act. This proposal ensures that local boards will be provided minimal outlines of their responsibilities.

Submitted: October 23, 2007

BHECM Oversight of Wesley Foundation Management and Finances

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d)

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶633.4.d) (10)

(11) To oversee the management and financial support of the annual conference program of campus ministry in Wesley Foundations, local churches, and ecumenical campus ministries, in accordance with the policies, standards and goals of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Rationale: The complex nature of the administration of campus ministry units, requires more oversight than ever, especially in areas of financial accountability. Annual conferences need to have policies in place that are consistent with standards used across the church. The implementation of such standards may help avoid serious management problems from occurring.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Planting New Campus Ministries after Extensive Study by BHECM

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d)

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶633.4.d) (10)

(11) To determine where new campus ministries are needed after the completion of extensive study by an appointed task force to assess the potential of campus ministry on a university or college campuses in accordance with the policies, standards and goals of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Such study shall include but not be limited to: the unique missional opportunities and needs of the campus, student demographics of the university or college, number and size of other denominational campus ministries, student life plan of the university or college, long-range development plan of the campus, fiscal and facilities needs, support and cooperation of nearby United Methodist churches and district, and other items that may impact the campus ministry’s ability to fulfill the mission of the church on campus.

Rationale: Procedures for starting campus ministries have varied widely across the denomination, especially in relation to ministries based in local churches. This proposal will require Conference BHECMs to consider issues of need and long-term viability in making decisions about whether to establish new campus ministry units.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Policies and Procedures for Constructing New Campus Ministry Buildings

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d)

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶633.4.d) (10)

(11) To develop policies and procedures for the planning, financing and construction of any Wesley Foundation or campus ministry building, in consultation with the appropriate boards and agencies of the annual conference and in accordance with the policies, and standards of the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.

Rationale: In the absence of clear procedures for the construction and renovation of campus ministry buildings, campus ministries typically experience long delays and skyrocketing costs. This proposal seeks to alleviate this problem by requiring conference BHECMs to establish procedures with guidance from GBHEM and other appropriate agencies.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Discontinuation of Wesley Foundation or Campus Ministry

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d)

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶633.4.d) (10)

(11) Prior to the discontinuation of a Wesley Foundation or campus ministry the board of higher education and campus ministry shall conduct an assessment of its potential as outlined in ¶633.4.d) and ¶ 1413.3.c). Any recommendation to the annual conference for discontinuation shall include proposals for the future use of any property of the Wesley Foundation or campus ministry and for the disposition of any real, personal, tangible and intangible property. Proceeds from the sale of any Wesley Foundation or campus ministry property shall be reserved for other campus ministries needs in the annual conference.

Rationale: This proposal requires Conference BHECMs to conduct an assessment of a campus ministry’s viability before making a decision to discontinue. It directs Conference Boards to ensure that monies given for the purchase of campus ministry property continue to benefit the overall campus ministry program of the annual conference.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Permanent Endowment Fund for Campus Ministries

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d)

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶633.4.d) (10)

(11) To encourage the development of a permanent endowment fund for Wesley
Foundations and campus ministries; and to set polices and investment standards, in consultation with the conference foundation, for permanent endowment funds for Wesley Foundations and campus ministries.

Rationale: Unpredictable financial support means that campus ministry’s long-term health depends on the establishment of viable development plans. Endowment funds provide stability during unpredictable giving cycles. A part of any development plan is the creation of a permanent endowment fund. Policies for these funds should be set by the conference BHECM.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Collecting and Sharing Contact Information about College Students with Campus Ministries

Discipline Paragraph No. 633.4.d)

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶633.4.d) (3)

(11) To cooperate with the district superintendents in the gathering of names and addresses of college students from charge conferences in the districts to send to Wesley Foundations, United Methodist-related campus ministries, and United Methodist chaplaincies at the schools where the students are attending.

Rationale: This proposal takes a responsibility already given to the BHECM in ¶232 and puts it into its proper position in The Discipline. It provides a process by which the Conference BHECM can cooperate with District Superintendents in collecting and sharing information about college students with Campus Ministries.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Assisting Youth in Transition to College Life

Discipline Paragraph No. 648.3

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶648.3.f)

g) To cooperate with Wesley Foundations, United Methodist campus ministries and United Methodist related colleges and universities to assist annual conference youth in the transition to college life.

Rationale: Conference councils on youth ministry need to be engaged in helping college-bound youth transition to college life. Campus ministries provide a logical resource for CCYMs in accomplishing this task. This proposal also creates natural ties between youth ministry and campus ministry.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Promoting United Methodist Campus Ministries, Colleges and Universities to Youth

Discipline Paragraph No. 648.3

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶648.3.f)

g) To promote, introduce and encourage youth in the annual conference to become active in Wesley Foundations or United Methodist campus ministries when they attend a college or university and to become aware of opportunities to attend United Methodist related colleges and universities.

Rationale: Conference councils on youth ministry are poised to be influential in helping college-bound youth find information about campus ministries at the colleges they plan to attend. CCYMs can also help youth see United Methodist colleges and universities as viable options for their college careers.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Helping Graduating College Students Transition into Congregational Life

Discipline Paragraph No. 649.3.d)

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶649.3.d)

d) To cooperate with the boards and agencies of the annual conference, including Wesley Foundations, United Methodist related campus ministries and chaplaincies, in assisting graduating college students in the transition to congregational life, and receiving recommendations from and making recommendations to the same to provide for the needs of young adults in the United Methodist Church.

Rationale: This proposal enlists Wesley Foundations and other United Methodist related campus ministries in helping Conference Councils on Young Adult Ministry provide assistance to graduating college students as they transition from Campus Ministry into local church congregations.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Assisting Youth in Transition to College Life

Discipline Paragraph No. 669.3

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶669.3.g)

h) To cooperate with Wesley Foundations, United Methodist campus ministries and United Methodist related colleges and universities to assist district youth in the transition to college life.

Rationale: District councils on youth ministry need to be engaged in helping college-bound youth transition to college life. Campus ministries provide a logical resource for DCYMs in accomplishing this task. This proposal also creates natural ties between youth ministry and campus ministry.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Promoting United Methodist Campus Ministries, Colleges and Universities to Youth

Discipline Paragraph No. 669.3

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶669.3.g)

h) To promote, introduce and encourage youth in the district to become active in Wesley Foundations or United Methodist campus ministries when they attend a college or university and to become aware of opportunities to attend United Methodist related colleges and universities.

Rationale: District councils on youth ministry need to be engaged in helping college-bound youth transition to college life. Campus ministries provide a logical resource for DCYMs in accomplishing this task. This proposal also creates natural ties between youth ministry and campus ministry.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Young Adult Member from General Board of Higher Education and Ministry on Connectional Table

Discipline Paragraph No. 906.1

Financial Implications: None

Add new subparagraph after ¶906.1.(d)

(e) One young adult from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry shall serve on the Connectional Table.

Rationale: While The Discipline specifies that a young adult from the Division on Ministries With Young People shall be a member of the Connectional Table, it does not list a young adult from GBHEM. This proposal aids in achieving the 10% goal of youth and young adults listed in section (g).

Submitted: October 25, 2007

Oversight of Campus Ministries and Boards of Higher Education and Campus Ministry by the Division on Higher Education

Discipline Paragraph No. 1412.2

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶1412.2

2. The division shall, in regard to campus ministry, Wesley Foundations, and ecumenical campus ministry groups, provide a structure within the division in order to:

(a) Assist in the development of plans for the systematic evaluation of these units in cooperation with their regularly constituted boards of directors or trustees and with conference boards of higher education and campus ministry, and with area, or regional committees or commissions on Christian higher education and campus ministry or appropriate ecumenical agencies.

(b) Study the trends in programming and funding in campus ministry, review reports from the United Methodist Campus Ministers Association (UMCMA), conference agencies and local units, and interpret these findings to the constituency as appropriate and to The United Methodist Church.

(c) Affirm its commitment to an ecumenical approach to campus ministry; encourage local, campus, state, and regional, and global units of that ministry to work toward ecumenical programming and structures where appropriate to provide counsel and support to conference boards and agencies in reviewing, evaluating, and strengthening existing and proposed local and regional ecumenical covenants for campus ministry; and ensure that ecumenical covenants and procedures for these units are on file with annual conference boards of higher education and campus ministry.

(d) Develop standards and policies for the professional staff of Wesley Foundations, campus ministries and chaplaincies and provide educational and training opportunities for campus ministers and chaplains.

(e) Establish policies and guidelines for the work and responsibilities of oversight of the annual conference board of higher education and ministry programs of campus ministry in Wesley Foundations, local churches, and ecumenical campus ministries, and the work and responsibilities of local Wesley Foundations and campus ministry boards of directors.

(f) Establish procedures and guidelines for the establishment of a new Wesley Foundation or campus ministry unit and the planning and construction of Wesley Foundation or campus ministry buildings.

(g) Recognize and cooperate with agencies with whom relationships may serve to further the objectives of the division.

(h) Provide for representation and participation, as deemed necessary, with other national and international ecumenical campus ministry agencies and associations.

(i) Provide services to meet specific denominational needs.

(j) Relate college and university students of The United Methodist Church to the United Methodist Student Movement and such Methodist and ecumenical student organizations around the world as may be appropriate.

Rationale: These proposals are additions to responsibilities of the Division of Higher Education in order to meet the needs created by other proposals coming from the United Methodist Campus Ministers Association to clarify the responsibilities of the conference board of higher education and campus ministry.

Submitted: October 25, 2007

United Methodist Foundations Promote Planned Giving for Campus Ministries

Discipline Paragraph No. 2513.2

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶2513.2

2. The promotion of planned-giving programs on behalf of local churches, conference campus ministry units, conferences, and general Church boards and agencies;

Rationale: This proposal engages United Methodist Foundations in assisting Campus Ministry units to develop planned giving programs adequate to providing ongoing and stable financial support for their work.

Submitted: October 26, 2007

United Methodist Support Campus Ministries with Management of Permanent Funds

Discipline Paragraph No. 2513.3

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶2513.3

3. Furnishing counsel and guidance to local churches and conference campus ministry units with regard to promotion and management of permanent funds, and

Rationale: This proposal engages United Methodist Foundations in assisting Campus Ministry units to design, promote and manage permanent endowment funds adequate to providing ongoing and stable financial support for their work.

Submitted: October 26, 2007

Sale, Transfer, Lease, Mortgage or Purchase of Campus Ministry Property

Discipline Paragraph No. 2515

Financial Implications: None

Amend ¶2515

¶2515. Sale, Transfer, Lease, Mortgage, or Purchase of Annual Conference Property—No annual conference property shall be sold, transferred, or leased for a term that exceeds twenty years, or mortgaged or purchased without the consent of the annual conference or, ad interim, (a) the consent of the presiding bishop and of a majority of the district superintendents, and, in case of discontinued or abandoned local church property or property to be purchased, the consent of a majority of the district board of church location and building (see ¶ 2548), and, in case of a discontinued Wesley Foundation or campus ministry property, the consent of the majority of the conference board of higher education and campus ministry, and the consent of the annual conference (see ¶ 633.4.d)); and (b) the bishop’s determination that such transfer or encumbrance conforms to the Discipline. The bishop’s written statement evidencing the satisfaction of this condition shall be affixed to or included in any instrument of transfer or encumbrance. Any required written instrument necessary to carry out the action so authorized shall be executed in the name of the conference corporation by any two of its officers, or, where the conference is unincorporated, by any two officers of its board of trustees, and any written instrument so executed shall be binding and effective as the action of the conference.

Rationale: This proposal will guide the annual conference in understanding and accommodating new responsibilities being assigned to the conference board of higher education and campus ministry in the proposals for changes to ¶ 633 being submitted separately by the United Methodist Campus Ministry Association.

Submitted: October 26, 2007

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"He dressed me. My Lord, he put new rags on me, and I am a wonder beside him." - Ragman by Walter Wangerin, Jr.